
The Letter to the Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Barclay’s fresh translation and clear exposition make Paul’s very complicated letter to the church in Rome easier than ever to understand. Both in mood and in method Romans is entirely different from Paul's other writings. Here he is settling down in a systematic fashion the essence of his faith—bequeathing in a “theological last will and testament” the ideas which have most shaped Christian...

It is quite clear, especially from the last instance, that Paul is not using flesh simply in the sense of the body, as we say flesh and blood. How, then, is he using it? He really means human nature in all its weakness, and he means human nature in its vulnerability to sin. He means that part of human beings which offers sin a way in. He means sinful human nature, apart from Christ, everything that attaches people to the world instead of to God. To live according to the flesh is to live a life dominated
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